Saturday, 16 October 2010

Preliminary Task - The Filming.

The filming

With using the equipment I thought it was harder than I expected. With using the tripods on the camera, it was really hard to get the exact position that we wanted to film. When we filmed the dialogue bit it was quite easy because once we got the cameras where we wanted it was easy because we could just leave them as they were and our actors could have there conversation. When I had to film the tracking shot I had to do it quite a few time, this was because we filmed on the carpet and when I was moving the dolly it kept going jiggered so I had to do it slowly and carefully. Also it took quite a few times to do the match on action as something kept going wrong every time we did it. The cameras weren’t lined up right or it wasn’t recording or we did it to fast or slowly.
When we were filming the problems that occurred were the cameras weren’t in line with each other when we were trying to film the match on action and 180 degree rule, this was because they were at the opposite ends of the room and it took a while to get them exactly right.
When we were filming we kept all the equipment that we had planned to have and we also did our 180 rule, match on action and shot reverse shot exactly how we were going to do it. The only things that were different was a few lines in our script were changed and also we planned to do a zoom in on the bullied boy at the start and at the end a zoomed out shot of the teacher and boy sitting at a table but we didn’t. We didn’t end up doing this because we decided it wasn’t needed.
We had to re-film the tracking shot and the match on action shot a lot of times. The reason we had to film the tracking shot was because it kept going very bumpy on the carpet. We had to keep re-filming the match on action because we had a camera on each side of the door and it wasn’t in time right or we were doing it to quickly or slowly but we got it done in the end.
I think that my group did prepare ourselves well, we had a story board and script so we knew exactly what we were doing, we went and set up our cameras first so when we could start filming it was all ready, we gave ourselves exactly the right time to do it again. I was very happy that my group was prepared.
There were four people in my group so it was quite difficult to figure out who filmed what because we wanted to make it all even and in the end we each did our equal part and we determined to make this as best we could so we worked well together.
What I enjoyed most when filming was match on action shot, even though it took a while to do I liked it the most because it was the hardest shot to film and when we got it done I felt really pleased.

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