Sunday, 6 February 2011

Choosing Genre of our opening film.

In this lesson we had to choose the genre for our opening film, my group narrowed the genres down to three, these were tragic drama, psychological thriller and romantic comedy.
The reason we wanted to do a tragic drama is because the storyline is always something realistic but quite sad which we could easily think of a tragic real life story line, also we have all seen a lot of tragic drama films so we know lots about this genre and what kind of scenarios we could of had.
The reason we wanted to do a psychological thriller is because its a very interesting genre, you have to think more about whats going to happen because you want the audience to piece the film together and figure out the storyline, we thought we could come up with a very clever storyline however a disadvantage is that in my group none of us have seen a lot of these films so we wouldn't be an expert on them.
The reason we wanted to do a romantic comedy is because its a very happy feel good film which we would love to do, its fun energetic and humours and we are all and expert on these films in my group. The disadvantage we had with this though is that we didn't think we would be able to make it half romance and half comedy and we would end up focusing on one more than the other.
In the end we have decided to make our opening film genre a tragic drama, this is because there are a number of story lines we could have because there is a variety of different tragic situations in everyday life and also we are all experts on this genre and out of the three we know about tragic drama so this is the genre we have decided to do for our opening.

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