Wednesday, 2 March 2011


In this lesson I started doing my groups first initial shotlist, we will need this when filming because it will make things very organised for us and also will be a lot easier to film because we know exactly what we are doing.
This is what I needed to cover in my groups shotlist:
The date we will be filming thisshot
The time we will be filming this shot
What scene number the shot is
What shot number the shot it
What camera angle the shot is
The duration of the shot
A description of the shot
The location of the shot
The filming equipment needed for the shot
The actors needed in the shot
The titles that are in the shot
The sound that is in the shot
The setting of the shot
The props needed in the shot
The costume the actors are wearing in the shot
The lighting of the shot

Although this seems like a lot, I have put it in a table so it is very easy and simple to read and when my group come to start filming it will be very straight forward because we know exactly what he have to film so we won't get confused or muddle the shots up.

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