Monday 14 February 2011

Planning our opening.

In this lesson me and my group were carrying on planning our opening we started to think about our script, what the dialogue would be and any stage directions needed, we are going to have a voice over in our opening which will be the little girl talking about memories with her family. The other characters we have are her mum and dad but we are not sure if any of them will say anything yet but we will carry on developing our script next lesson.
We also began to consider mise in our opening, where it would be set, the lighting, make up, costume and props and we will again carry on doing this next lesson.
Lastly another thing we started planning was our story board but just a basic one and then we can make it more detailed when we have the rough idea of what's going to be involved.

Once these three pieces are complete (script, storyboard and mise) they will be on my group blog -

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